
Thursday, April 21, 2011

How to Have the Coolest Cell Phone Ever

“Jack, have you seen my phone?”
I had just been talking on it ten minutes ago, but it was absolutely nowhere to be found.  I looked on the couch, in the couch, under the couch, on the back porch, in the kitchen, refrigerator, toy bins, under the beds, in beds, in the toilet, in the cupboards... but all to no avail.
“I haven’t seen it,” Jack answers.  “Where’d you see it last?”
“Evee had it for a second by the back door, but she put it down and ran off.”
Jack pulls out his phone and calls mine, but we can’t hear it ringing.  I know it’s in the house, and I know the ringer is on, so where is it?!
Then Jack, my genius husband, had the bright idea to not only look on the back balcony, but to look down as well.  There, sitting in the rocks three stories down, is my only tool for outside communication—my lifeline to the world beyond small children, dishes, and laundry.
Le sigh.
Sarah and I put our shoes on and went down to get it.  We knocked on the door of the neighbor on the ground floor.  No answer.  Dang it.  I really needed my phone back.
We went around to the back.  The back fence was only about three feet high, so I hefted Sarah over it with specific instructions to grab my phone and only my phone and come straight back.  She came back with my phone and an armful of toys I recognized that had apparently also received the Evee treatment.
And what was the condition of my phone?  A small scratch on the back, hardly noticeable.  Otherwise, it was in perfect working condition.  I held it lovingly to my chest as we walked back up the stairs, indescribably happy I didn’t have to go down and hassle with the Verizon people for a new one.
I was even happier two days later when Evee through the same phone into the bathtub.  It took about an hour for the speakers to dry out, but it still works just fine and I am one happy camper.
I suppose this isn’t as much of a “how to” as much as it is I really, really love my phone and would encourage anyone else with small children to get one as soon as possible.  Jack and I both have one and I can’t even tell you how much money we’ve saved from not having to replace them every couple months.  They’ve survived all the chewing on, and throwing, and dropping, and slobbering, and dismantling, and biting, and bathing… and I think that when they finally do die someday we will have to give them a burial with full honors for their brave service to my family.
If you want to see the awesomeness for yourself you can check it out here.

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